Emperor Leopold I - Archduke of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor (1658-1714), an instigator of the War of the Spanish Succession and an ally of Saxony.King Stanislaw I - King of Poland-Lithuania (1700- ), succeeding August.Oskar Renke - Colonel of the 5th Nuremburg (1713-1717), noted for the relief of the second siege of Stuttgart.Friedrich Schnabel - Colonel of the 1st Royal Regiment (1703- ), noted for the relief of the second siege of Stuttgart.Dietrich Pirngruber - Saxon General (1713- ), former Colonel of the Karabiniergarde and a son of a court favorite, noted for his defence of Stuttgart, the battle of Nancy, unorthodox skirmishing tactics and his diaries.From a noble family, was colonel of the 1st Royal Regiment by his early 20s. Sebastian Smeltzer - Senior Saxon general (1702- ), noted for the Pacification of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, the retaking of Dresden, his strategic maneuvering and personal bravery in battle.August Erlanger - Lord Secretary of War (1704- ), native Prussian, architect of the modern Saxon army.Karl Marx - Lord Chancellor (1701- ), from an aristocratic merchant family, encouraging the industrialization of Saxony.Jan Kallenbach - Lord Chief Justice (1703- ), close ally of August.Johannes Gauss - First Lord of Government (1703- ), leader of the initial opposition to August's designs on Poland and frequent critic of the Elector.Elector Fredrick August I - Elector of Saxony (1694- ) and Kaiser of the Holy Roman Emperor (1714- ).The Final Rhineland Campaign and the Battle of Flanders, The Swedish Wars and the Nachlassen.The Rhineland Campaigns- The Battle of Nancy.The Rhineland Campaigns- the sieges of Strasbourg and Cologne, the Westphalian Rising, and the French Counterattack.The Rhineland Campaigns- the Election of the Holy Roman Emperor.The Rhineland Campaigns- The second and third sieges of Stuttgart.The Dresden Campaign, the Battle of Chemnitz, and Westphalia declares war.The Württemberg Campaign- The Battle of Nuremburg, the Battle of Ilshofe, and the siege of Stuttgart.

The Polish Campaign, the Württemberg declaration of war and the War of the Spanish Succession.The Bavarian Campaign – The March on Munich, Gauss’ Rise to Government and The Bavarian Revolt.The Bavarian Campaign – The Battle of Erfurt.Updated on Sundays unless otherwise warned. The rising fortunes of its rulers have also hit something of a roadblock recently, in a political storm that has Europe talking. Situated in a melting pot of small German fiefs between the Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperors and the King In Prussia, it has a small army and not much infrastructure to speak of. An ancient Electorate of the Holy Roman Empire, it has been ruled for centuries by the House of Wettin from its capital, the relatively prosperous city of Dresden. Saxony starts as a one province Protestant German state. A Saxony AAR on Empire: Total War Darthmod